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Tuesday, November 28, 2017 5:11 PM

What Are You Sowing?

Tuesday, November 28, 2017 5:11 PM
Tuesday, November 28, 2017 5:11 PM


Life is all about sowing and reaping — planting seeds and harvesting them.

Sowing discord:

We ought to be very careful about the seeds we sow in this life. If we sow seeds of strife, that’s what we will reap in our own lives if we continue on a regular basis to sow seeds of strife. If we sow gossip: gossip about others, repeat things we have heard without knowing if they are true, it will cause us to receive only the same thing. I have found people who talk about others can’t handle it when others talk about them.

Sowing kindness:

If we sow kindness, we will reap kindness back into our lives. I am always conscious of the things I sow. I purpose to be kind and forgiving of others. Why? Firstly, because it’s the right way to treat others and live. Secondly, because I never know when I will need someone’s kindness and forgiveness. It’s what we sow or plant habitually that we will reap habitually.

The power of the tongue:

How do you talk to others? Do you demean with your words or encourage with them? The Bible teaches us that death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21a). So, are you sowing death or life? Be generous with your words, don’t gossip, don’t rejoice (or should I say gloat?) when bad things happen to others.

Let’s make sure the things we are habitually sowing in life are what we want to habitually reap in our lives.

Just a thought,



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