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Sunday, January 24, 2016 7:09 PM


Sunday, January 24, 2016 7:09 PM
Sunday, January 24, 2016 7:09 PM

In different areas of our lives, we are all required to meet certain conditions. For instance, there are conditions you must meet to improve your health, to work at a company or to get into a college. Interestingly, many of life’s conditions begin with the “biggest” little word in the English language — if. If can do many things. It is able to change your perspective, your direction or an outcome. For example, “If I had known then what I know now, I never would have done that.” Or, “If you continue down this path, the consequences will be awful.”

To receive the promises of God, however, the same principle applies — you must meet His conditions. In fact, the Bible says, “If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the world. You will experience all these blessings if you obey the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 28:1-2 NLT). Unfortunately, so many say they love God, but don’t do what He says—they don’t honor His Word. But Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14:15 NASB).

If you want to receive all that God has for you, it’s all about your willingness to meet His conditions — if you love Him, you obey Him. Think about the ifs in your life and evaluate whether or not you need to change the way you are living, working, talking and treating others so that you may live in the blessings and promises of God’s Word. If is a little word that can make a big difference, but you must be willing to meet the conditions.

Just a thought,



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