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Tuesday, September 26, 2017 5:35 AM

On Making Mistakes

Tuesday, September 26, 2017 5:35 AM
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 5:35 AM

On Making Mistakes

We live in a fallen world where every kind of evil imaginable goes on.

Recognize the mistake:

No one is perfect: we all fall short at times. Everyone will make a mistake — a bad decision — and probably more than one. So, knowing that, what should be our response? Firstly, we have to recognize it and realize it was a mistake — a bad decision. Once we do this, we get to choose to continue down its path of mistakes or repent.


Repent basically means to change. I was going in one direction, now I’m going to go in another direction — change of mind, change of action, change of direction. It’s always our choice. We shouldn’t allow our lives to be defined by a few bad choices or decisions. We repent to God and ask for His forgiveness and thank Him for being merciful to us. Then we decide to do the right thing. 

Do the right thing:

The reality is, none of us will be perfect in our service to God. The Bible teaches us that we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Let’s purpose to do the right things and, when we don’t, pick ourselves up and begin to do the right things. It’s never too late to start pleasing the Lord, and if you have blown it, nothing would please Him more than for you to repent and begin again or keep serving Him.

He is merciful and long-suffering. We can count on God.

Just a thought, 



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