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Tuesday, August 12, 2014 7:11 AM


Tuesday, August 12, 2014 7:11 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 7:11 AM

In order to grow and develop we must remain teachable. For you to be teachable, you need to be able and willing to learn by being taught. Someone once told me, “Read the newspaper, read a book, as long as you are learning something new every day.” No matter how good we are at something, we can always become better at it. Learning is something that is never finished. What we thought was impossible yesterday, has become possible today. The person that thinks they know it all is the person who has quit growing. Even God can’t teach the unteachable. Being teachable, I believe, is the key to being successful and productive.

We must be willing to recognize that there is always something new to learn, and a new way of doing things. It’s what will keep us moving forward at times, striving for excellence, growing, developing ourselves, our businesses, and our relationships. It’s your responsibility to grow, no one else’s. You have to learn and grow on purpose. Good healthy growth doesn’t, for the most part, come by accident. We have to purpose to grow and learn. If you are willing to learn, you will begin to see, in a greater way, the endless possibilities around you.

Just A Thought,



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